Wednesday, April 15, 2009

all rightey mr. rabbityyy.

ok so i made a list but i realized i can't do most of the things there, because it doesn't fit not on my time but giajgbklsjfbvlasjgb! i love blogging, but don't know how to use it and i deff should get into this more cos it's like my private journal(: but not?? idk.

trip to chicago- it was just amazing. the flight was pretty rocky&scary, but i made it there safe&sound. it was cold, like worse than big bear during the winter cold. the ceremony itself was breath taking, watching 500+ sailors walk in with so much dignity, pride, &so forth. i didn't have glasses and a camera so no pictures ): except with my favorite sailor thanks to his babybro<3

congratulations dearest! u studbeast.

rock my boat, but don't sink that muthaaaaaaaaaaaaf.
i've been one grumpy person lately, and just really frustrated with everything.
BUT i know things are looking up.
when u hit rock bottom, there's no where else to go but up.

thizzz week.
i'm excited! i have some underground hip hop thannng to go to (thanks to hs!<3) i'm so in love with vintage pin up i realized. they're just so fabulous&sexy. this week is just ridiculously crazy, yet so welcoming. come on psychotic busy-ness!

sleep weep that deep.
i want to sleep, but my mind won't shut its damn imagination off. it's nice, but if u can't do ish with it it's WORTHLESS. i need to bust out my artsy fartsy side and let it flow.

manage me.
and my timeee ),: when i think about all the time i've wasted it just makes me want to kick myself and someone's soul.

ghhhhygggggggggggggggggggmjust typed that with my chin&cheek.