Monday, December 15, 2008

bye bye bullshit.

i'm feeling o-raht.
i guess i need to do some readjusting, reorganizing, re-prioritizing.
i've lost sight of my goals&dreams, but fuck it i'm 19 and i'll find sobriety and all that goodness soon enough.
ugh why does everything sound so overdramatic and ugly in life today.
it's not the rain, because i adore the gloom-doom looking days.  it's nice.  change from the sunny cali.

fatass status.
i need to get workin on ma body.
my diet sucks, as in what i normally eat is really horrid.
this is another to do list, along with the prioritizing.

are so vital and important in life i realized.  a best friend, homegirl can mean so much and everything can turn around in a split second.  sad, yet it's the truth.
when you find someone, make sure to keep them tighter than that stuffed doll u used to keep during those scary adolescent life.
or you can just fuck that doll and get yaself a new one, ha.

fuck is such a beautiful word.  but it's a whore, everyone uses it and it gets meaningless.

drinks are not on me, for once.
pass the bacardi over to the person to my left&right just not me.
ok my eyes and mind are failing me.

aga jaba gada gone.